Mixed Age Couples

Pension-age benefits are usually more generous than universal credit. The rules within these benefits can be complex where one partner is of pension-age and the other is of working-age. By understanding the mixed age couple rules we can make sure people don’t claim universal credit when they don’t have to and can be aware of opportunities to maximise income for people who cannot avoid a claim to universal credit.

This half-day course considers when a mixed age couple has an alternative to claiming universal credit (UC). It goes on to consider issues which are specific to mixed age couples who do not have an alternative to claiming UC and how we can maximise income for all mixed age couples. 

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will:

  • Know when a mixed age couple can claim pension-age benefits or legacy benefits
  • Know which mixed age couples have to claim universal credit
  • Understand the issues affecting couples in receipt of a legacy benefit including those affected by the managed migration to universal credit
  • Understand how changes of circumstances affect mixed age couples where they have entitlement to pension-age benefits
  • Have gained an awareness of how pension income is treated in universal credit
  • Have learnt strategies for maximising income for mixed age couples who have to claim universal credit.
  • Be aware of typical issues affecting mixed age couples on universal credit when the younger partner reaches pension-age. 

Methods of delivery
This course is delivered online live with a BTC trainer. It is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and case studies, group discussion and games. Participants will be provided with e-learning supporting material including PowerPoint slide handouts, a comprehensive training pack pdf and additional resources. There is a 20-30 minute break halfway through the course.

Intended audience
This course is at an advanced level. A good working knowledge of the benefits system is assumed.

Certificates & post course support
Participants will receive an e-certificate for completing this BTC course. This also guarantees eligibility to access our free 6 months post-course advice service (including priority entry to free webinars).

Course instructions
This online course is run over Zoom. In the week before the course, you will receive an email with Zoom link(s) and access the supporting materials. You will need to download (or print) the pack (and slides, if you wish) before each part of the course, unless you have selected a printed pack when booking.

Participants will need a good wifi connection and a suitable computer/laptop to access both the Zoom session and the pack throughout. You may wish to use a separate device for the pack (or split your screen) if you cannot or do not wish to print. We recommend participants log in a few minutes beforehand. You may also wish to have a pen and paper handy to make notes.